Tunnelbear (Review 2020) – the furry VPN who will guarantee your anonymity? 🐻


Starting from 5,00$/month







Les points forts

  • A very high level of security.
  • Optimized to bypass censored sites.
  • The free trial offer.

Les points faibles

  • 22 countries available only.
We recently tested on our NordVPN site, one of the best known VPNs on the market. Tunnelbear is also a major name in the domain. We wanted to check what were Tunnelbear’s strengths and weaknesses compared to its competitor. We tested the tool for a week: here is our opinion on Tunnelbear!

Here are the features and arguments put forward by our (favorite?) fur ball :

  • Online privacy
  • Service performance (connection speed, customer support)
  • Encryption of your connection in 22 countries, solid data encryption

Let’s now take a closer look at what Tunnelbear has to offer.

Tunnelbear will be your best bodyguard on the internet

Online privacy: go unnoticed with Tunnelbear 🕵️

The main objective of a VPN is to be able to surf online without worrying about your data being intercepted by any intermediary (your ISP, a hacker, etc.). This may be useful to you if you consult or exchange sensitive data (for example, if you are in a company and want to guarantee the security of file transfers between colleagues), or if you want to bypass limitations (Internet censorship in certain countries, sites that are prohibited from access, etc.).

What does Tunnelbear offer to make you happy? On this point, Tunnelbear offers you:

  1. the “VigilantBear”
  2. the “Auto Tunnel”
  3. Automatic implementation of the service
  4. No data collected

Behind these (partly) marketing terms, Tunnelbear offers two interesting features. The first, already present at NordVPN under the name “Killswitch”, allows you to be theoretically 100% safe.

To be more precise, the VigilantBear allows when Tunnelbear (re)connects to hide the location of your IP address, and all your related data. This brief moment can be a window during which your data is “bare” (and not furry, like the bear… brief).

This may happen when connecting to a new WiFi network, if you are out of reach of your Internet source, etc. The feature is available on Windows, macOS and Android (Lollipop version 5.0 and higher). Another thing to note, Vigilantbear can cause operating problems if you use a proxy in parallel with Tunnelbear.

The second, Auto Tunnel, allows you to optimize the speed of your connection. Indeed, the VPN automatically takes care of finding for you which VPN tunnel is with a very low ping. This ensures that your data has the shortest possible “travel” distance. This option is mainly aimed at neophytes using a VPN for the first time, simply wishing to take advantage of the services offered as quickly as possible.

Cherries on the cake (two for the price of one), Tunnelbear is automatically activated as soon as it is installed on your device. Subscribe, download the tool and enjoy the service directly. The second cherry is the lack of data collection. It would be silly if you were anonymous to everyone… except the VPN you use! We invite you to consult their privacy policy to make sure it is the case.

More than 22 countries are available.

Service performance

We will briefly review this section. Tunnelbear promises:

  • a very fast connection speed
  • safe even when you connect to a public network…
  • effective customer support
  • + from 20 available countries

During our tests in extreme conditions, we were able to observe an excellent connection speed. We are also used to writing our articles in coffee shops, using dubious wi-fi networks. No problem! No problem!

As for customer support, we didn’t have to use it so we can’t help you on that point (let’s be honest!).

Finally, and this is perhaps the only disadvantage of Tunnelbear, the number of countries available for connection is 22. This is a far cry from the 61 countries proposed by NordVPN. Tunnelbear disappoints on this point! 

No, the bear should not pass through your screen....

Encryption strength: strong as a bear ?

Tunnelbear uses AES 256 encryption, a proven symmetric encryption algorithm. Created in 1997, it became the new encryption standard used by the United States government at the time. A guarantee of ultimate security !

We see your next question coming up…. What about VPN blocking (which sometimes happens, especially if you try to bypass censorship in a country). Ghostbear is another feature offered by Tunnelbear that allows you to be less detectable by governments, ISPs and others. Note that Ghostbear should not be used if the VPN is running at a basic level (slower connection required).

Finally, Tunnelbear can be used (exhaustively) via :

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Internet browsers
  • Extension Chrome

Finally, it should be noted that Tunnelbear also makes it possible to block unwanted online advertising and any intrusion attempts.

Tunnelbear – opinion: strong as a bear or weak as an ant ?

Tunnelbear offers a simple and quality service. This is how the proposed service could be summarized in a few words. A simple, fast and efficient service to protect your private online life. The only downside we have noted is the “low” number of countries available (only 22 compared to 61 for NordVPN) but we are confident that this point will evolve!

Tunnelbear : offers and prices

  • 1 month – $9.99/month
  • 1 year – $5.00/month

You are now invited to test the tool by clicking on the following link. 🐾